Thursday 28 February 2008

a project idea at last!

Okay, sticking with the religious theme, I've finally found a project idea. On a personal level, I feel that Christianity still has quite a significant influence in the Highlands. Although it is far more on the Western Isles, I feel that it does influence the social in Inverness. So in keeping with the principles of grounded theory, I intend to just go out and take lots of photos of churches in Inverness. I took some photos yesterday of about 8 churches but I don't think they were very good - all the rules of composition seemed to go out the window! Anyway at least I'm aware of it and for now I just want to take as many as I can. I also intend to look at graveyards to try and capture the feel of the project.

The most important thing at the moment I think is just to take the photos and see what emerges out of the process.

Happy snapping everyone!



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