Wednesday 20 February 2008

click 'February' to see all the photos

Just realised, apparently you have to click the tab 'February' on the right hand side for the page to display all the photos - not sure why it is doing that but it is a bit of a nuisance!


Macie said...

I've enjoyed looking over your photos and practice!

Jennifer MacRae said...

Hi there Clare, thanks very much for posting your comment on my blog. It's a great idea! How are your ideas panning out? I'm still thinking things through too. Let me know if you would like to discuss themes together. Would be great to have a chat and bounce ideas around.

Allie MacBean said...

Hi Clare

Thanks for your comments. I see we've both taken photos in the Islands and at Clava. We'll put that down to great minds thinking alike.

Good luck with developing your project.