Monday 7 April 2008

Road signs

In keeping with the tone of the project I took the above photos to highlight some of the ways links with Christianity are unnoticed. There are more around the area but these were just a snapshot so to speak. I found it interesting to note that all of the road signs that were named after saints appear to be in Dalneigh. Also, this does not appear to be something that was done in the past, the last photo (St Francis Gardens) is of a new block of flats that have only been built for approximately one year.


Allie MacBean said...

Hi Claire

Your blog's looking really interesting.

Just for info, the name St Francis Gardens was chosen by the pupils of Dalneigh Primary School who wanted something in-keeping with the theme started in the post-war era.

I like the photos of St Mary's too. It's my family's church and my daughter used to go to St Josephs Primary school, so I have a real fondness for it.

Looking forward to seeing what else you come up with.


Administrator said...


Your theme is beginning to develop, well done
